#5 Chocolate Covered Potato chip
Chocolate Covered Potato Chips, Salty Caramel Swirls, And Vanilla Ice Cream Make Up Our POTATO CHIP Premium Ice Cream.

#4 Maple Bacon
Breakfast & Dessert All In One With Real Bacon Chunks & Creamy, Sweet Maple Ice Cream.

#3 Energy Drink
Combing A Sweet Treat With The Twist Of Some Extra Energy.
(So bad there were no pictures...)
#2 Pizza
A Mozzarella Ice Cream With Swirls of Pizza Sauce And Pizza Crust Pieces.
(So bad there were no pictures...)
#1 Pickle Split
Dill Pickle Spears Paired With Homemade Dill Pickle Ice Cream Once Made Up The Pickle Split.

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