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It's Our Birthday!

Ice Cream Factory hats and aprons hung up the night before Opening Day
Hats and Aprons Hung in Excitement

Ice Cream Factory officially opened their doors on Friday, April 5th, 2019, after many months of preparation.

When we opened our doors, the plan was to have a small scoop shop in our hometown. A place for families and friends to gather and create memories, while eating scrumptious ice cream.

A long line of customers at Ice Cream Factory's Opening Day

What an exciting weekend it was. We ran out of waffle cones so many times... We stayed up all hours of the night making more ice cream... We were blown away with the love shown to our ice cream family.

Want to know more about exactly how we began ICF and renovated a historic dairy plant into our scoop shop?

When we opened, we had only created and mastered 17 flavors. Check them out- many of these we still sell!

Opening weekend would not have been possible without an incredible staff who served ice cream until their forearms were aching.

Oh, and just take a moment to appreciate how far our container designs have came since we began this journey. Here are some of the original containers we offered as a "to go" option.

Initially, there were no plans for expansion or growth. But after serving over 4,000 customers the first weekend and the hype not dying off- we decided expansion may be in our future. We opened our Jefferson City Scoop Shop that following Leap Day, not knowing Covid-19 Pandemic would break out that following month. Covid did not stop our business though, we were blessed to have pivoted in just the right way about our ice cream sales actually skyrocketed.

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