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Supporting Young Farmers

We believe, the heart of the County Fair is in the animal barns, the show ring, and those supporting the young farmers.

When we say we support farmers, we mean the 85 year old 3rd generation farmer, the 33 year old who just bought his first cow and calf pair, and the 5 year old who tends to their show steer, those who make farming a career and those who farm as a 2nd career. We know first hand how essential farmers are to our communities and economy. We also know first hand how hard and unappreciative the job can be. We are so thankful each and every day for those who wake up before the sun to milk and feed their cows so that we have the privilege of making ice cream for our customers to enjoy.

Each Summer, we make it a priority to support those who make our jobs possible. One way we do so is by attending County Fairs, watching the cattle shows, and "buying" show cattle from young farmers who have worked incredibly hard all Summer to show how well they have taken care of their animals. It is a thrill to be able to support the same County Fair that Shannon and I both showed at once upon a time.. ;) The fair was always an exciting time in our small town and we are honored to pour our hearts out in support like those did when we were in the show ring.

We believe that the County Fair, FFA, and 4H are all programs that not only teach our children about farming and animals, but also very important life lessons like responsibility, empathy, caring for others, competitiveness, time management, patience, and so much more.

These life lessons carry on with them, no matter what career path they take in life. So, today, we are just thankful to have been able to support these young kids. And every day we are thankful for the opportunity to support the famers in our communities. We could not support them without the support of YOU - our customers who love our ice cream and share our story with your friends and family.

P.S - That doesn't go to say that we didn't also have some fun on the Carnival side of the fair, too. :)

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